Gaming Tips

Top Legend Gaming Tips for beginners for PC and Smartphones 

Gaming's popularity are increasing day by day from the different walks of life as they liked as extra_curriculur activities. People mostly likes video games for their enjoyment for a while as a profession and hobby as well as their interest level rises when they are used to play games more than usual. There are so many different types of games to play nownow, too. From the causal smartphone, to deeply immersive role in playing different games including Battle Royales games. 

Pc gaming is golden rare standard in playing different games for their enjoyment as hobby as well as the Professional gaming on gaming platforms such as Facebook, Bigo Live and YouTube with huge amount of traffic and get huge earning from these platforms.

For those who want to get more possible experience for gaming then this is best platform for you. If you want to get more personal experience for Pc gaming and Smartphones Overall, then we have some best tricks and tips for you to improve your personal Experience as well. 

What is Pc gaming? 

In many ways, the PC is the best way of getting a personal experience for you. PC gaming gives the better display and overview like a legend players. In pc gaming,the graphics are of huge level for a better display better than smartphones. Mostly Graphics in the games gives you most benefit to achieve legend player's Level.You can enjoy more specific elements in pc which were not include in Smartphones.

1.Gaming Goals

 No one is pro at any time in every gamegame.If you want to get legend attitude in gaming then you have to stick at one game by watching YouTube tutorial for that game that you would to like games. 

For Example 

If you are interested in fighting games then go for Street Fighter and Tekken 3 , Tekken 4.if you are interested in first person of shooting then dive in to these games Apex Legends, Free Fire and Pubg. 

2.Connect with Gamers on Different Platforms
Most successful gamers which are professional are mostly connected with other professional gamers on social media's to improve their gaming experience. If you connect with others and you will get more gaming experience to be successful and professional legend player of the game. 

3.Upgrade Your Display

There is no need to invest your time mostly with the games but you have to spend in improving graphics and their streaming background behind you. When you go live on different platforms then you should improve their background and graphics of that game. 

4.Level Up with new gain Experience

Once you preferred such a game in which you are interested the most, it must be level up and should gain attention in this game and level and get more personal experience to get a Legend movement body position. 

5.Buy A Proper Gaming Mouse 

For a legend game play, you have to select the mosue of the most reliable company with their high sensitivity setup. For the control of the game, the mouse has more important role in the Player's Movement speed and it's body position 

6.Sensivity and it's setup 

To get more experience and to become a legend player you should must have to set the sensitivity accurately. Sensitivity depends on the device model and it's condition. 

7. PC Setup and it's activity 

For personal computer you have to setup and remember that it should not be heated because over temperature causes malfunctions in the system of Pc. It should be cool with cooling managers to avoid bugs and issues and lagging of games. 

8.Follow the Favorite streamer of Your Taste
If you want to boost your personal experience in gaming to become professional gamers, you have to follower the streamer of your taste;the game would you like. It's better to get more knowledge from your favourite streamer. 


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